Pacific Farms Agri-Eco Tour is known for the impeccable Filipino Tourist Destination, Pangasinan boasts not only its tasty delicacies and breath taking spots but also a 500 hectare salt farm situated at the heart of Bolinao, Pangasinan. Pacific Farms, Incorporated (PFI) caters to every travel enthusiasts, foodie, and everyone up for a salt harvesting experience. With 15,000 metric tons of salt harvested annually, PFI is the home of the country’s very own salt mountain, perfect for photo shoots, (perfect for Facebook and Instagram users) and a unique train ride in the sphere. The PFI locomotive ride is not your usual train experience; it actually gives you a circuit along a part of the salt farm’s rail system and Large Salt bed harvesting area.
Speaking of harvesting, the Pacific Farms Inc., Agri-Eco Tour offers its patrons exciting and fun activities highlighting the actual salt harvesting done seasonal by our salt farmers. Tourists can actually grab a wooden rake in the small bed area (consumer salt is harvested) or dig a shovel in the large bed range (industrial salt is harvested). This is to give the tourists a first-hand experience of the effort exerted by the salt farmers in order to produce a table staple----salt.
One can also take a trip down memory lane for PFI’s rich history. The company history presentation starts with the “First Steps” (1956-1982). Then Pacific Farms Inc. faced financial turmoil and underwent a new management which was the Transformative Era (1983-1992). From 1993-2003, the direction of serving the consumer market began. At present, the company faces the future with its New Generation Products as its continuous effort to explore new markets with its innovations.
In its 56 years of existence, Pacific Farms Inc. takes pride of its salt farmers the most. Aside from being the main salt harvesting arm, our salt harvesters have honed themselves with the company’s 12 Moral Values namely Love, Unity, Faith, Tiyaga, Effort, Loyalty, Honesty, Support, Humility, Sincerity, Discipline, and Cooperation (contributed by the employees themselves) which strengthened and revived the company into what it is today. The day trippers themselves can hear more of the curious PFI tales during an interaction with the salt farmers themselves at the Kapihan (an area in PFI).
A sightsee packed with native cuisines, adventure and knowledge awaits every traveler in Pacific Farms. Other parts of the tour includes visits to the area’s stations such as the PFI Chapel, Sunrise View Deck, Love Bridge, Mini Museum, Salt Lake, Loyalty Park, Hiking Area, Bird Watching Area and the Souvenir Shop. So what are you waiting for? Come and experience the Pacific Farms Agri-Eco Tour, it’s definitely more fun and educational here!

Over all experience was superb!
The entire place is beautiful and unique. It's really one of a kind, very good products and pleasant people. Looking forward to visit this farm again. Thanks a lot!
April 20, 2013
Very inspiring!
Excellent service and a very accomodating personnel. We learned a lot from this agri-eco tour. Thank you for your kindness!
June 20, 2013
Featured Student Tour
The Asian Cuisine class of Center for Culinary Arts
May 30, 2013 - The Asian Cuisine class of Center for Culinary Arts visited Pacific Farms together with their instructor Chef Raymond Diaz de Rivera and the Chancellor of CCA, Dr. Veritas Luna. The group experienced a 1-day tour that includes a salt pairing demo where participants are asked to sprinkle a pinch of Aro-En Gourmet Salt to certain food ingredients. As budding chefs, they learned about the eight different kinds of salt with each of its unique characteristic and flavor profile.
Featured Company Outing
Last May 3, 2013, a group of salesmen from Philippine General Merchandising Corporation experienced a unique tour, Pacific Farms, Inc. AGRI-ECO Tour
The PGMC M1A group from Mindanao learned how Salt is made, the History of Pacific Farms, Incorporated. They enjoyed the Train Ride and the stop over at the large crystallizer areas with interesting Salt sculptures, then proceeded to the Salt Mountain. These two sites were both very good stations for a photo op. Other activities that made the experience educational were the Tree Planting and Healthy Food served to them. The visitors learned more about the importance of trees to the environment and that eating right can lead a long and sickness-free life.
Good job!
St. Columban AlumnusWe enjoyed the tour, excellent and very pleasant people. Keep up the good work!
February 14, 2013